What is Art?
Art is not an apple. No, certainly not an apple. And Art is not square, definitely doesn't have corners. Or does it? Well, I'll assume it doesn't for now. It's not infinite, but no one knows or has seen its limits. Yet. Or maybe we never will. We don't know.
But what is Art really? Art is a human thing. If you take all of humanity off the face of the planet, would Art still exist? Hm. So, Art is a human thing. And it's not the hands. Certainly not the hands.
But what is Art? Are some scribblings on walls Art? Well, if they were made by humans, perhaps. So Art has to be made by humans. So how do you make Art? You need materials. Yes, that's what you need. Materials. Textile, sonic, intellectual, linguistic, all kinds of materials. But you need them, right? So, I take a red material, rub it against a white material. Colour, shape, contrast, movement, emotion spring out of my gesture. That's probably Art. Or just maybe. If I see a piece of wood, is it Art? If I take a piece of wood, is it Art? If I take a piece of wood and change it, is it Art? If I take a piece of wood and change it, and declare it Art, is it Art? If I take a piece of wood, and change it, and you declare it Art, is it Art? If I take a piece of wood and say I made it, and I don't change it and say I changed it, can you declare it Art? If Jackson Pollock took a piece of wood and gave no information whatsoever about the piece of wood, would it be declared Art? Would he declare it Art? Would it make a difference? Should it? Can the same piece of wood be Art to you but not be Art to me? Does then Art mean anything at all? If Art is a human thing, can it ever be objective, since we are the subjects themselves?
But then again, black lines on paper can be paintings, but notes on manuscript paper are certainly not Music. A bird singing, is that Music? So if the manuscript is not music, and isn't Art either, what is Art and what is music? I whistle a bit, make some noise. Is it Art? I do something that someone else directs me to do on an instrument. Is that Art? I make some noise with an instrument, is it Art? I make some noise without an instrument, is it Art? I do something that someone else instructs me to do, but without an instrument. Is that Art? I constantly make noise and sounds, but I never realise it or think about it really. Is any of that Art? And if Art is made of materials, what if my materials are not man-made? Can totally man-made Art ever be feasible? Will it be more artistic than not? How am I more artistic than you? Am I artistic? Are you? Are you Art?
conversing without art
Sunday, 16 August 2009 at 01:33 under art, essays
the problem with psychologists
Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 15:16 under shorts
"The problem with psychologists is that they are all very sane (at 14:20)."
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