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the satisfaction one gains

from deliberately silencing

freeing oneself from the torrents of colour
of light
of sound and of



to let go

and appreciate being
in its fullness

those few moments, even

a beautiful



communication appears, sometimes, amidst

abandoned conversations

flowering atop what seems like an endless
little wave

of you

of me

and when we have nothing left to say

we sing it.

conversing without Feldman

I was once reading a lot of Morton Feldman, and on a flight back home a stewardess bought me three rounds of drinks, and I wrote her a poem on the back of a score I was working on.

I walked off that plane feeling very content.

It took me three days to realise I had been reading too much Feldman.

the meaning of silence

don't fall asleep -

(whispers melting on your ears

as you drift away


from those moments

where lips were made for kissing)

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