ex·ist·ence /ɪgˈzɪstəns/
1. (-noun) an illusion; contrary to popular belief, existence is a verb, not a noun.
2. (-verb) being; the antonym of "thinking about being"; ephemeral, temporary, fleeting, in-the-moment, ever-changing, hopeless, meaningless, honest.
antonyms: survive, persist, last, endure, stay, remain
Thursday, 28 April 2011 at 20:46 under definitions, life, spiritual, the self, thoughts
Saturday, 23 April 2011 at 09:54 under earth, shorts, thoughts
do shadows
on water?
Friday, 22 April 2011 at 17:02 under earth, pomes
spring walked into my room
and she looked at me
(like a muse
loves her poet)
- she never said a word
but I'd like to think
she was just about to say
the true names of flowers
the names of clouds
or, perhaps, if it was a single word
for her to say
another last goodbye
Monday, 18 April 2011 at 21:04 under life, memory, pomes
a return -
the beginnings of a saudade.
Sunday, 17 April 2011 at 20:22 under earth, life, love, pomes
sitting in a park
one may be allowed to discover
the reasons why we live
or even
that we live
and that to laugh and shout and move and play
to touch to love
are but expression marks
in a sentence of being
a phrase to be understood
by leaving thoughts
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